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For Students

When and how can I apply to join a Design Connect team?

Our team applications are open in the first week of the Spring and Fall semesters. The application will be available to access on our website. We host information sessions in the first week of the Spring and Fall semesters that feature project managers sharing information about the respective projects. 


What is the application and enrollment process? How are student teams selected?

Interested students are encouraged to fill out our team application in the first week of each semester. The application will be available on our website. The application asks you to select the projects you wish to work on as well as your skills and experience. In the application, students are also asked to indicate the number of credits they would like to contribute to the team. Students who are accepted after the application process will be provided with codes to enroll in CRP3348/5348. Undergraduate students will receive credits for CRP3348 while graduate students receive credits for CRP5348.


We evaluate student applications based on their skills and credit commitment, and aim to create a multi-disciplinary team that features younger students as well as students with experience. We believe a diverse team creates an environment where everyone can learn from everyone else. There typically are 4 teams every semester with each team featuring 8 to 10 students from a variety of backgrounds and majors. Our past team members have included Master's and undergraduate students majoring in urban planning, landscape architecture, architecture, civil and environmental engineering, real estate, public policy, and environment and sustainability. 


How many credits is Design Connect and how much is the time commitment?

Students can choose the number of credits to enroll in. In the application at the beginning of each semester, students can indicate the number of credits they would like to contribute to the team (between 2–4 credits depending on their preferred workload and space in their schedule, which equals 6-12 hours of work each week). We hope and expect students to commit to the indicated number of credits and workload. Students who indicate that they are able to contribute more hours to projects are prioritized in application as we aim to deliver complete projects by the end of each semester.


What projects do Design Connect typically do?

Design Connect offers preliminary community-based planning, design, and policy work. We typically work in research and analysis of various issues; participatory visioning and community engagement; drafting master plans for developments; designing parks, trails, community gardens, and open space; facilitating streetscape and pedestrian-oriented design; transportation and transit planning; designing playscapes and educational landscapes; and designing interiors for public space.​


The projects for each semester are different. We aim to finalize Spring semester projects by December of the year prior and Fall semester projects by May. Every semester will feature a range of projects that cater to students with different interests and skills.


How can I become a project manager for Design Connect?

The goal of the Project Manager position is to support student professional development while organizing a successful community project with partnering municipalities and non-profits. The project manager's responsibilities include developing a strategic project plan and co-managing a team of 8 to 10 student professionals across different disciplines. 


Project manager applications are typically open in November the year prior for Spring semester projects and in April for Fall semester projects. The application will be available on our website. While we encourage anyone with an interest to apply, applicants with previous Design Connect experience, prior project management experience, or professional work experience are preferred. 

For Community Members

When and how can Design Connect help my community?

Design Connect is always looking for new projects and ways to partner with you to achieve the visions of your community.


For Spring semester (February to May) projects, our request for projects will be available on our website in October of the previous year. If your community applies, we will review the applications and you will be notified in November whether we have the capabilities to partner with your community. Project managers are selected in December and student teams are finalized by the end of January.


For Fall semester (September to December) projects, our request for projects will be available on our website in March of that year. If your community applies, we will review the applications and you will be notified in April whether we have the capabilities to partner with your community. Project managers are selected in May and student teams are finalized by the end of August.


Who do we work with?

Design Connect's mission is to serve the communities we work in, and to deliver on the mission we typically work with non-profit and public agencies only. If you are a private business but have a public-serving goal and wish to partner with Design Connect, please reach out and inquire about project feasibility.


How are projects selected and how many do we select?

We select projects based on a number of criteria. We typically evaluate based on the type and scope of the project as well as the location of the project site. We hope to select a variety of different projects in each semester with the goal of completing the projects in one semester. We typically work with communities that are within 2 hours of driving distance from Ithaca due to limitations in the ability to transport students. â€‹


As the organization is student-run, we have limited capacity. We typically undertake 4 projects per semester for a total of 8 projects per year.


What work does Design Connect typically do, and what are students' expertise?

Design Connect offers preliminary community-based planning, design, and policy work. We are not licensed architects or engineers, but our work on projects can serve as the basis of grant applications that can facilitate detailed design. We typically work in research and analysis of various issues; participatory visioning and community engagement; drafting master plans for developments; designing parks, trails, community gardens, and open space; facilitating streetscape, pedestrian-oriented, and Complete Street design; transportation and transit planning; designing playscapes and educational landscapes; and designing interiors for public space.


Our student teams are typically made up of 2 student project managers and 8 to 10 students. Our teams are made up of a mix of Master's and undergraduate students majoring in urban planning, landscape architecture, architecture, civil and environmental engineering, real estate, public policy, and environment and sustainability. 


A select sample of Our Works can be found here.


Is there a cost to working with Design Connect?​

For communities we have selected projects in, we ask for a $600 donation per project. The donation goes to support the teams' expenses, including fuel and transportation costs as well as the costs for organizing community events. If your community or organization is not in a financial situation to make a donation, we can waive the donation depending on the circumstances. Please contact us for further inquiries.



Design Connect is an interdisciplinary, student-run design organization at Cornell University. 
Design Connect provides practical experience for Cornell students by delivering impactful planning and design services for local communities.

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