Are you looking for a unique and engaging hands-on course this semester? Consider Design Connect! Join a student-led team that is partnering with local communities to help plan and design a real-world project. All students are encouraged to participate, regardless of major or amount of experience.
Want to learn more about how to get involved? Come next Wednesday (26th) or Thursday (27th) at 7pm to one of our information sessions. We will discuss the projects, how to sign up, and expectations for the semester. Note, even if you are already enrolled in the class, please come to an info session! Descriptions of the projects and zoom meeting invitation are below. If you have any questions, please reach out to Adam Bailey (anb96@cornell.edu) or Natalie Deduck (nd422@cornell.edu).
Chenango Greenway Quarry in Norwich has been unofficially used as public space for generations. The private owner recently put this property up for sale, and the community raised the funds to purchase the land, forever preserving it as public recreation space. There's an amazing video about the land's history and journey to reclaim it on the website linked above. The non-profit is interested in how to formalize the entryway and mountain top into functional and accessible community space.
St. Thomas Church in Bath is a social justice oriented, community based church that is committed to using all of their space for the community. Currently, the church grounds has a community garden that donates its produce to the local food pantry. They are interested in working with Design Connect to expand and improve their community garden, as well as introduce other designs to the space to improve their connection to the community and their ability to be of service.
Barnes-Hiscock Mansion in Syracuse is the last of the great mansions along James Street. The Foundation that manages the site's museum is interested in working with Design Connect to restore the grounds to the original gardens that were once on the property. They also hope the design can support their increasing need for outdoor events in our covid-world, including ways to educate the public about the building's rich history as a site on the Underground Railroad.
Montour Falls is a historic village with an incredible waterfall, the Shequaga Falls, that overlooks their mainstreet. The village is interested in creating a complete street redesign that meets several of the town's priorities, which includes improving the pedestrian experience, increasing tourism, economically developing the downtown, mitigating traffic congestion, and connecting the bike trails from Watkins Glen into downtown. Montour Falls' Village Sustainability Committee has led the village to become a certified Climate Smart Community in 2019, which requires active compliance with the NYSERDA Clean Energy Program. They are committed to ensuring that all plans support a clean, sustainable, and equitable future for Montour Falls.
Meeting ID: 975 1201 2583 Passcode: 058672